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Steven R. Daugherty received his Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Chicago and is the author or co-author of over 70 published papers and numerous book chapters. He has held a faculty appointment in the Department of Psychology at Rush Medical College in Chicago for the past 29 years.

For the past 21 years he has worked preparing students to pass the USMLE and Medical Board Certification exams. Every year he provides counseling and guidance to hundreds of students and residents across the United States and around the world, helping them to understand the USMLE, how to learn more effectively, and do their best in testing situations.

Dr. Daugherty is dedicated to uncovering and conveying the preparation techniques and thought processes required to excel on the USMLE and other medical exams.

His research program is focused on what happens to medical students and medical residents as they move through training towards successful careers as physicians.

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