USMLE Study Advice (2 Articles)
Article #1: Active Recall, not Re-reading is the Key to Understanding and Long-term Memory
Article #2: Knowledge and Application
The USMLE exams are designed to test two things: 1) your knowledge base and 2) your capacity to reason with and apply that knowledge. Most students understand what is required to master the essential core knowledge: a careful review of high-yield topics. However, many students neglect to prepare for the application issue. In these cases, the student knows the content but cannot adequately represent that knowledge on the presented questions, and their score suffers accordingly.
Try these three techniques to train yourself to think with the material you know:
The dominant cognitive process required by multiple-choice questions is not recall of knowledge, but differentiation among options. Therefore, your study strategy should focus on this issue. For example, when learning microbiology, do not simply memorize the properties of each pathogen. Instead, concentrate on what features make this particular pathogen stand out from the others. Ask yourself what other pathogens you might you easily confuse it with and then, how you will distinguish among them. When selecting among clinical intervention, the same logic apples. You must know more than what are common interventions. You must know when a particular one makes most sense. The key study question is what are the circumstances when I would select this intervention and not a different one? Look for study materials explicitly constructed to help you learn these important contrasts.
2. Making all the options correct.
When doing practice questions, the important issue is not how many you got correct, but learning from reviewing the questions after you answer them. You must know why you got a question right or wrong. After you answer a question, review the answer and read any provided annotations. Then, return to look at the question again. Taking each option one at a time, how would you change the question asked to make each of the options correct in turn. If “C” were the correct answer, how would you need to change the question so “A” is the correct answer? So that “B” is correct? This process focuses you on the key elements that determine what the proper answer will be on any given question. Repeat this process until it becomes second nature. If you really understand a question, you can say why one answer is correct, and why all the others are wrong.
3. Checking your perspective.
Not everyone who witnesses the same scene sees the same thing. By past experience or current habit, we all have mindsets that focus on some features in a situation and overlook others. In real life, these are simply the differences among people that make life interesting. On the USMLE, these differences can spell disaster. You see, it is not enough to read the question your way. You must learn to read every question the way the examiners intend you to read it. Some questions can be interpreted in a number of ways. When ambiguities exist, one way of seeing the question is right (the way the examiners intend), and all other perspectives are wrong. Your faculty in a review course will help you understand how you should be approaching and reading questions, but you can also work on this issue in a group of your friends.
Sit and read through a question together with your friends.
When you have all finished, everyone should pick an answer and jot down the
corresponding letter. Then, reveal your choices. Take a moment and each person
justify why they made the choice they did. This process not only allows you to
review the content, but also allows you to pay attention to the way that each
person reads the question, and the process by which they arrived at an answer.
Experience suggests that if there is more than one way to read a question, and
most people read it a certain way, then that is very likely the way that the
examiners intend for you to read it.
Success is a one-two punch: mastering content and being able to apply the content as needed. Remember, exam items are not so much questions to be answered as problems to be solved. Using these three preparation strategies to practice your problem-solving processes will pay off in the end with the higher score you are seeking.
Steven R. Daugherty, Ph.D.